just a medical student

This is my place. Please leave.

just a medical student

This is my place. Please leave.

we found love on a warm summer day, under a blue sky

آخرین مطالب

۲۹ مطلب در مهر ۱۳۹۷ ثبت شده است


i got hurt today emotionally and i cried. When he woke up and i told him about it he told me that i should have had called him and talked with him.

The feeling... oh the feeling... i felt protected. It felt so good...


he is still in the meeting. I really want to know how did it go and hear all about it but i think by the time he msg me I’ll be sleeping...


when he has a presentation, he always sends me his power point and i read every line. Although i don’t understand it, but it feels so good to be a part of it. Also, he loves it. 


we video called, i told him i miss you... and i cried, but he couldnt see my tears. He said i miss you too... im really lonely here. And i couldnt hold my self and cried more. He cried also. It was... sad. Why does he have to go far away? What if we were born in a country like america? We never had to be apart like this...

I love him. He is my man. I must be with my man... :(


we didnt talk today. I went to university and he was working late and we couldnt get in touch.

It was midnight and i wanted to sleep. I told him where r u? And he said im in the jungle walking. We talked for like a minute and he said everyone in here came as a couple. He is the only single one there. I said  im so sorry that you are alone because of me and he said this is my choice and im more than happy with it.

I started crying, he said he has to go walk again he is getting cold. I told him to go and cried even more. I miss him. I miss his arms around me. I miss his kisses. This is so hard. So so hard...


He sent me a text and it was just the most romantic thing ever!  He makes me a better person. I love it about him.


my classmate proposed. My man was jealous. The way he talked melted my heart. He is my one and only...


He sent me our picture and said look! We look so good together.

And i smiled, a smile full of love...


he said he doesnt want me to stay up late for him because it makes him sad. But thats not really up to him. I like to stay up for him!


he had a presentation today and i asked him to film it a bit and he did. They way he talked, the way he walked, his hand movements...oh boy. Im definitely in love with the right man.